Sunday, April 20, 2014

Brewing is the perfect mix of technical knowledge and artistry. Brewing is also a process with many critical steps. The brewer that complete every step of the process with mastery will achieve the intended result.

With that being said, home brewers have no rules (except those imposed by your state of residence). The home brewer chooses the method of brewing, the equipment, the recipe and the ingredients. The beer we brew, and how we complete each step in the brewing process though, is up for debate...or rather testing.

I have been brewing for over three years and enjoy making Russian Imperials Stouts, IPA's, Belgian Style Ales and other beers that push the boundaries of the BJCP Style Guidelines. My passion is learning all I can about the brew process, growing hops, and improving my equipment to make better beer. I am a member of the American Homebrewers Association (AHA), and conduct home brew demo's and personal home brew lessons for anybody who will listen.

This site is dedicated to improving the ingredients, equipment, and methodology used to create amazing craft home brewed beer. Through relationships with professional craft brewers, home brew store managers, local craft beer social groups, and of course YOU the home brewer, we will continue to push the boundaries of our knowledge of the brewing process...and make some damn good beer!


Karl Larson
Twitter @ihackbeer